On the WFSU Ecology Blog, we explore wild north Florida. But not all of nature is in swamps, forests, and ravines. We have several informational resources to help integrate your yard into one of North America’s biodiversity hotspots.

Ecology Blog Posts on Pollinator Gardening, Building a Home Habitat
Blog posts on the home habitat from over the years, from growing milkweed, the life cycles of butterflies, and other ways you can accommodate wildlife in the yard.

The Backyard Ecology Blog
Starting in January of 2018, WFSU Ecology Producer Rob Diaz de Villegas has been chronicling the many living things he finds in his yard. During this time he has learned about which plants, insects, and other critters are beneficial, which are pests, and which are just kind of weird and cool to look at.

Backyard Flora and Fauna
A tighter focus on the plants and animals we’ve observed over the years on the Backyard Blog.

Florida Friendly Seasonal Planting Guide
Our friends at the Leon County IFAS Extension created these infographics for the WFSU EcoCitizen Project. They depict at least two wildlife friendly plants that you can plant in every month of the year.