Florida Senate Democrat Files Toll Road Repeal Bill


A Florida Democrat has a filed a bill to halt efforts to build three new toll roads in the state. The measure, filed Wednesday, would repeal the program created to build the roads and would return any funding earmarked for the project to the general fund.

Sen. Tina Polsky (D-Boca Raton) is sponsoring the repeal. Democrats have voiced concerns in the past about efforts to build the road, saying they believe, especially during the pandemic, there are more important uses for the state’s money. Environmental groups have also raised concerns about how the project will disturb wildlife and nature in the roads’ eventual path.

The roads were a priority of former Senate President Bill Galvano who says the roads will help bolster economic development by bringing more travel through rural parts of the state. Galvano also believes infrastructure improvements, such as broadband access and sewer work, will be built alongside the new roads.

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