Jim Cox bands a seven day old red cockaded woodpecker and takes a group of …
Rob Diaz de Villegas
Rob Diaz de Villegas
Rob Diaz de Villegas is a senior producer for WFSU-TV, covering outdoors and ecology. After years of producing the music program OutLoud, Rob found himself in a salt marsh with a camera, and found a new professional calling as well. That project, the National Science Foundation funded "In the Grass, On the Reef," spawned the award winning WFSU Ecology Blog. Now he spends time exploring north Florida's forests, coasts, waterways, and the endlessly fascinating ecosystem that is the backyard garden. Rob is married with two young sons, who make a pretty fantastic adventure squad.
EcoAdventuresLongleaf Pine & Fire EcologyThe Red Hills of Florida & Georgia
Quail Hunting and Accidental Conservation in the Red Hills
We witness a Red Hills tradition that has had a large impact on area ecology: …
EcoAdventuresThe Red Hills of Florida & Georgia
Roaming the Red Hills | Longleaf, Lakes, Fire, & Food
A sneak peek at our upcoming video series on the Red Hills of Florida and …
We talk to archeologists against legislation that would allow amateurs to collect artifacts in Florida …
EcoAdventuresWildlife in North Florida- Critters Big and Small
Behind the Scenes at the Saint Marks Whooping Crane Pen
Operation Migration’s Brooke Pennypacker takes us to the whooping crane pen at the St. Marks …
Apalachicola River and BayEcoAdventuresKayak and Canoe AdventuresRivers and Streams
Merritt’s Mill Pond | Kayaking and Spring Caves
We kayak the spring fed waters of Merritt’s Mill Pond, a scenic corner of the …
EcoAdventuresLongleaf Pine & Fire EcologyPollinators and GardeningThe Red Hills of Florida & GeorgiaWildlife in North Florida- Critters Big and Small
Butterfly Watching and Research in the Red Hills
We explore habitats in the Red Hills of Florida and Georgia, and the many butterflies …
The perception of artifact collectors varies: are they citizen scientists or looters? Amateur archeologists are …
Apalachicola River and BayEcoAdventuresKayak and Canoe AdventuresRaising Kids with NatureRivers and Streams
Kayaking the Apalachicola River with my Four-Year-Old Son
A WFSU producer takes his 4-year-old son kayaking and camping for two days of Apalachicola …
ArcheologyAucilla/ Wacissa WatershedNative CultureRivers and Streams
Underwater Archeology | Excavating the Wacissa River
Archeologists scuba dive the Wacissa River to uncover artifacts that could be 12,000 years old …