We meet many of the dozens of butterfly species found in several habitats in Tallahassee, …
Monthly Archives
November 2017
Apalachicola River and BayPlants- From Wildflowers to Longleaf PineSwamps and other WetlandsWildlife in North Florida- Critters Big and Small
Steephead Salamander Search, and the Apalachicola’s Ice Age Refugees
In a steephead ravine by the Apalachicola River, we look for the Apalachicola dusky salamander …
Swamps and other WetlandsWildlife in North Florida- Critters Big and Small
Bradwell Bay | A Last Refuge of the Southern Dusky Salamander
Deep in the Apalachicola National Forest, the Bradwell Bay Wilderness is the best remaining population …
Swamps and other WetlandsWildlife in North Florida- Critters Big and Small
Dwarf Salamander Search in the Chipola River Floodplain
Bruce Means takes us onto seepage slopes in the Chipola River floodplain to look for …
ArcheologyAucilla/ Wacissa WatershedNative CultureRivers and Streams
Seeing the Ice Age Wacissa Through Artifacts and Fossils
We explore ice age Florida through artifacts and fossils excavated on the Wacissa River, and …