Leon County youths plant 200 trees in observance of Arbor Day and Tallahassee’s bicentennial


Tallahassee will celebrate its 200th anniversary in 2024. Local youths helped get the party off to an early start Saturday as part of Leon County’s Arbor Day observance.

County Parks and Recreation Director Amanda Heidecker said more than 200 trees were planted along the shores of Broadmoor Pond on Jackson Bluff Road.

“These trees were put together and this idea came together by the TLH 200 Tree Committee. It’s a group of middle-schoolers from across the county that came together. And they raised funds to pay for a portion of these trees that you see out here today.”

Among those middle schoolers was Caroline Couch, a Maclay School eighth-grader.

“If young people are more involved in tree planting and these kind of activities, it’s good to benefit the community and the environment and make an impact,” she remarked.

The TLH 200 students have some other projects in the works to make Tallahassee’s Bicentennial even more festive and significant.

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